There must be something in the water!!
Amazing Grace,
With Joy in my heart and angels on my side.
An encounter at the WELL in CASHEL…..

It was on the way home from the Ballymaloe May market in Cork, that I stumbled across a well in Cashel, as I stopped for a richly deserved cuppa in Tipperary. Sure it was a long way as the song goes but Wild Shore felt the call to Ireland. I stood shoulder to shoulder in a community of Irish crafters that were from both north and south of the border, united in one goal, to serve.
At the well I met a beautiful gentleman, the caretaker he said he was, he spoke about coincidences and how there are NONE!!! I was there at the well for a reason.
In the lilt of his poetic voice, I was transfixed and transported all at the same time as he recounted stories of people coming to the well. He told of a lady I was to meet in Tipperary who had opened a well on her property. Kingdom Water it is called and if I am correct, it has 69 minerals in its composition. That is completely unique, it has been tested and tested again and it has been found to have untold healing properties. How absolutely amazing!
There is something in the water!! The wells in Ireland are known as Holy wells? Holy meaning set apart.
Is that why it is Holy, it is set apart for us, to bring us refreshment, healing and indeed is truly a meeting place. A place to encounter someone or something magical, something other, other worldly. I tasted heaven that day and so I captured the memory of the sun dappling through the trees, the ice-cold water bubbling over the stones and flowing through my toes, while the fresh kiss of the sun warmed my face. I was renewed.
Did time stand still or did I walk into eternity, I cannot tell. Maybe there is a well spring of life that actually exists.
Along came a greeting from Michael of the same congregation of David so he said and I knew this from his face, he shone with the same joy in his heart.
I believe there is something to learn about walking the old ancient paths. There is wisdom to be found not least individuals or indeed angels that make your heart sing.
Why did we meet at the well that day, David and Michael. Why did I meet Patrick at St Bridges well in Co. Meath? Well, that’s another story, excuse the pun. Could it be that wells are more than a community meeting place and of course the water being a natural resource that sustains life, is there more to it I wonder?
Maybe there is something in our Irish waters that is unique, and needs rediscovered in order to bring it into our future.
You may also ask, how are these healing wells connected to Wild Shore waters? The waters that are infused with the elixir of its blend of five essential oils. I believe it’s the same refreshment, reset, healing for the mind and soul that I discovered at the well, is it not?

Are we brave enough to ask the questions especially about the unknown, go to places, be immersed into mysteries and be involved in a journey that’s not your making. That’s the one Wild Shore is on. Forever changed by the journey.